5 Techniques to keep visitors engaged on your website

1/26/2013 Steph Bond-Hutkin 0 Comments

Once you have built your website and/or blog, have spent time marketing it on social media platforms, and are writing content like there's no tomorrow, you may start to notice your visitor traffic increase. Are they staying to read more and connect with your brand, or are they bouncing straight away?

Here are 5 techniques that I share over at eBay's Mum's Business website for keeping visitors on your website and blog, and engaging them with your content and your brand. Read the full article here.


Blog Etiquette - how respect will get you everywhere

1/19/2013 Steph Bond-Hutkin 0 Comments

I am truly passionate about blogger etiquette and how to find your way around the blogging community by using respect for others' ideas, words and images. It's not just about being polite; it's about giving credit where credit is due, and helping to build an online world that celebrates originality and where plagerism fails to find a foothold.

Read about blog etiquette and whether you are towing the line in my article for eBay's Mum's Business website right here.

Image: PublicDomainPictures via pixabay.com